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Lisa Alex Gray
The Holy Underwear
The other night I was getting ready for bed, when my husband Kurt walked by in underwear, with a small hole in the seam. The sight of...

Lisa Alex Gray
Grocery Store Seduction 101
Beware of the Little Debbie Swiss Roll Tower There was a display at the entrance of my local grocery store yesterday that literally...

Lisa Alex Gray
An Open Letter to Society at Large: Please Don’t Reject Me
It’s that time of year when office illness abounds and one rogue sneeze can send chairs scattering in terror. I think being ostracized as...

Lisa Alex Gray
Did My Dog Just Brexit?
My husband and I fell asleep on New Year’s Eve around 11 pm (yes, we’re one of those couples) and all was well until I woke a while later...

Lisa Alex Gray
Chocolate Rehab: My Journey on the Wagon and Off Again.
My first memory of chocolate was biting the ear off a Chocolate Easter Bunny and trying to cram peanut butter inside the hole. I had more...

Lisa Alex Gray
How to Beat Your Hair into Submission
Hair Wars 101 I had to make an emergency hair appointment the other day because I couldn't take my current hairstyle any longer. Somehow,...

Lisa Alex Gray
I Have a Dream, and it's Not Dog Twister
It's a dream of owning a hammock - which I've had since I was a teenager. You may find this odd, since most teenagers have dreams of...

Lisa Alex Gray
What's With the Public Bathroom Toilet Paper Holders?
Why do public restrooms have toilet paper hangers with rolls that look like caveman wheels? They’re so large and cumbersome I feel like a...

Lisa Alex Gray
My Life in Pigtails
Hey, wait, I’m groovy I remember looking in the mirror when I was 7 years old and realizing for the first time just how groovy I was. My...

Lisa Alex Gray
Worst Spa Experience EVER
I know some of you say you don’t need to shower every day? I believe I’ve stood behind you in line at the grocery store. Well, I am not...

Lisa Alex Gray
Hair Bleaching Horror Story (at 12)
You know how they say, puberty can be an awkward time? Well, at age twelve, I decided my life wasn’t hard enough, so I took it up a...
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